Ukraine’s steadfast defense of its airspace has been underscored by the successful interception of a Russian aerial assault, with the Ukrainian air forces claiming the destruction of 24 out of 25 ...
Two senior members of the Israeli government have voiced their opposition to a peace proposal from US President Joe Biden aimed at ending the conflict in Gaza. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich ...
In an unfolding narrative that has stirred national attention, the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office in Florida terminated Deputy Eddie Duran following an internal investigation that deemed his ...
A Florida sheriff’s deputy has been terminated for the fatal shooting of a Black airman in his own home, a move that has added fuel to the ongoing national debate about the use of force by law ...
The United States Navy is poised to maintain its dominance in nuclear deterrence with the construction of the Columbia-Class submarines, which are designed to be the stealthiest and most advanced ...
Israel has adjusted its military approach in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, scaling back its initial plan for a two-division attack following discussions with American officials. This shift aims ...
Yemen’s Houthi rebels have escalated their maritime campaign, launching a series of assaults including a reported missile and drone attack targeting US Navy vessels in the strategic Red Sea ...
North Korea recently launched balloons filled with garbage and feces over South Korea, causing panic and raising serious security concerns that surprised longtime observers. This unusual tactic ...
Ukraine’s former Defense Minister, Oleksiy Reznikov, has provided an incisive outline of the nation’s defense priorities amidst ongoing hostilities. Ukraine’s top three defense priorities are ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has publicly voiced his dissatisfaction with the global response to an upcoming peace summit meant to address the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Speaking at ...
Argentina’s naval forces recently conducted significant maritime exercises with a United States fleet, headlined by the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington. This event, ...
The sustained economic pressure from Western sanctions continues to have a significant impact on the Russian economy, with recent reports indicating substantial losses and constraints on the nation’s ...