We look at research on who votes in school board elections and how new board members can affect school segregation, funding ...
We pulled 7 tips from our webinar featuring two sports economists and a journalist who covers stadium financing. Here's what ...
School board elections have grown increasingly politicized in recent years as conservative politicians and advocacy organizations push to restrict how public schools address issues related to race, ...
Team owners looking to build or revamp big league sports stadiums often seek public funds in the hundreds of millions of dollars. But research conducted over decades indicates these investments almost ...
Elections in the U.S. are usually run at the local level. Figuring out who funds election administration can help you ask questions about whether funding levels are sufficient. Subscribe. It’s ...
We created this explainer to help journalists understand and ask more probing questions about private school choice programs, which offer families public money to pay for private school.
Our semi-regular rundown of the Federal Reserve’s Beige Book is full of story ideas for reporters across beats, from financial strain due to “Dry January” in New England, to movers moving out of the ...
The Journalist’s Resource publishes its written content under a Creative Commons — Attribution/No derivatives license. This means you can republish our articles for free, both online and in print, and ...
2013 research on contraception policies and pregnancy rates, including a 2012 study from Washington University in St. Louis on the relationship between free access to birth control and abortion rates.
Former Congressman Tip O’Neill famously said “all politics is local.” The same applies to election administration in the U.S., which is markedly decentralized. On Election Day, county- and city-level ...